2022-01-16 13:52:08 +01:00

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#!/usr/bin/env python3
from .session import Session
from . import messages
class OMMClient2:
High level wrapper for the OM Application XML Interface
This class tries to provide functions for often used methods without the
need of using the underlying messaging protocol
:param host: Hostname or IP address of the OMM
:param username: Username
:param password: Password
:param session: A :class:`mitel_ommclient2.session.Session` object
>>> c = OMMClient2("omm.local", "admin", "admin")
Use session for not implemented features::
>>> r = s.session.request(mitel_ommclient2.messages.Ping())
To get more contol over the connection handling, initialize
:class:`mitel_ommclient2.session.Session` manually::
>>> s = mitel_ommclient2.session.Session("omm.local", "admin", "admin", port=12345)
>>> c = OMMClient2(session=s)
def __init__(self, host=None, username=None, password=None, session=None):
if session is None:
self.session = Session(host, username, password)
self.session = session
def get_account(self, id):
Get account
:param id: User id
r = self.session.request(messages.GetAccount(id))
if r.account is None:
return None
return r.account[0]
def get_pp_dev(self, ppn):
Get PP device
:param id: Device id
r = self.session.request(messages.GetPPDev(ppn))
if r.pp is None:
return None
return r.pp[0]
def ping(self):
Is OMM still there?
Returns `True` when response is received.
r = self.session.request(messages.Ping())
if r.errCode is None:
return True
return False