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2019-07-30 19:40:35 +02:00
#!/usr/bin/env python3
2019-05-30 14:29:49 +02:00
import json
2019-07-30 19:40:35 +02:00
from threading import Thread
2019-05-30 14:29:49 +02:00
from mastodon import Mastodon, StreamListener
2019-05-30 22:49:09 +02:00
def print_status(status):
print("time: " + str(status["created_at"]))
print("from: @" + status["account"]["acct"])
2019-07-30 19:40:35 +02:00
class TootListener(StreamListener):
2019-07-30 21:06:25 +02:00
Listener class, handling incoming statuses
2019-07-30 19:40:35 +02:00
def __init__(self, source, drain):
2019-07-30 21:06:25 +02:00
self.source = source # Source instance Mastodon object
self.drain = drain # Drain instance Mastodon object
2019-07-30 19:40:35 +02:00
def on_update(self, status):
2019-07-30 21:06:25 +02:00
# Just printing some stuff to make it look beautiful in terminal
# More for debugging than anything else
2019-07-30 19:40:35 +02:00
print("RECIEVE " + self.source.api_base_url + "")
print("SEARCH " + self.drain.api_base_url + "")
2019-07-30 21:06:25 +02:00
# Searching for the URL of the incoming status in our drain instance
2019-07-30 19:40:35 +02:00
search =
for s in search["statuses"]:
2019-07-30 21:06:25 +02:00
2019-07-30 19:40:35 +02:00
class HashtagSpreader(Thread):
2019-07-30 21:06:25 +02:00
Thread class, streaming one hashtag from one the source instance and searching for the post URL in the drain instance
2019-07-30 19:40:35 +02:00
def __init__(self, source, drain, hashtag):
2019-07-30 21:06:25 +02:00
Thread.__init__(self) # Configure the thread
2019-07-30 19:40:35 +02:00
2019-07-30 21:06:25 +02:00
self.source = source # Source instance Mastodon object
self.drain = drain # Drain instance Mastodon object
self.hashtag = hashtag # The hashtag (without #) as a string, we want to stream
2019-07-30 19:40:35 +02:00
def run(self):
tootListener = TootListener(self.source, self.drain)
2019-07-30 21:06:25 +02:00
self.source.stream_hashtag(self.hashtag, tootListener) # Stream our hashtag
2019-07-30 19:40:35 +02:00
if __name__ == "__main__":
instances = {}
threads = []
with open("config.json", 'r') as f:
config = json.load(f)
if config:
2019-07-30 21:06:25 +02:00
# Create Mastodon objects for every instance
2019-07-30 19:40:35 +02:00
for instance in config["instances"]:
instances[instance] = Mastodon(access_token = config["instances"][instance], api_base_url = "https://" + instance)
2019-07-30 21:06:25 +02:00
# Create threads for every hashtag of a relation
2019-07-30 19:40:35 +02:00
for spread in config["spreads"]:
if spread["source"] in instances and spread["drain"] in instances:
for hashtag in spread["hashtags"]:
threads.append(HashtagSpreader(instances[spread["source"]], instances[spread["drain"]], hashtag))
2019-07-30 21:06:25 +02:00
# Start all threads
2019-07-30 19:40:35 +02:00
for thread in threads: