Documenting a bit

This commit is contained in:
clerie 2019-07-30 21:06:25 +02:00
parent a427173739
commit 498164ac25
3 changed files with 38 additions and 14 deletions

View File

@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
# Mastodon Hashtag Spreader
For the #GPN19 my Mastodon instance wants to get all posts of the hashtag. Most users of this event are connected to the instance
For the #GPN19 my Mastodon instance []( wants to get all posts of the hashtag. Most users of this event are connected to the instance [](
## Our solution
We have a script on one of our servers, streaming all posts of one hashtag from chaos.socail and putting the url of the post to the search entry of our own instance. The url will get fetched by our instace and the resulting post is added to our hashtag timeline.
## Installing
## Installation
pip3 install
git clone
cd mastodon-hashtag-spreader/
@ -14,6 +14,16 @@ cp config.json.example config.json
nano config.json
Edit config for your needs.
## Scopes
To get this script work, you need an application token on each instance you want to get connected to.
The needed scopes are depending on the role of the instace.
### Source
* `read:statuses`
### Drain
* `read:search`

View File

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
"instances": {
"": "secret",
"": "secret"
"": "access-token",
"": "access-token"
"spreads": [

View File

@ -10,35 +10,47 @@ def print_status(status):
print("from: @" + status["account"]["acct"])
class TootListener(StreamListener):
Listener class, handling incoming statuses
def __init__(self, source, drain):
self.source = source
self.drain = drain
self.source = source # Source instance Mastodon object
self.drain = drain # Drain instance Mastodon object
def on_update(self, status):
# Just printing some stuff to make it look beautiful in terminal
# More for debugging than anything else
print("RECIEVE " + self.source.api_base_url + "")
print("SEARCH " + self.drain.api_base_url + "")
# Searching for the URL of the incoming status in our drain instance
search =
for s in search["statuses"]:
class HashtagSpreader(Thread):
Thread class, streaming one hashtag from one the source instance and searching for the post URL in the drain instance
def __init__(self, source, drain, hashtag):
Thread.__init__(self) # Configure the thread
self.source = source
self.drain = drain
self.hashtag = hashtag
self.source = source # Source instance Mastodon object
self.drain = drain # Drain instance Mastodon object
self.hashtag = hashtag # The hashtag (without #) as a string, we want to stream
def run(self):
tootListener = TootListener(self.source, self.drain)
self.source.stream_hashtag(self.hashtag, tootListener)
self.source.stream_hashtag(self.hashtag, tootListener) # Stream our hashtag
if __name__ == "__main__":
instances = {}
@ -48,14 +60,16 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
config = json.load(f)
if config:
# Create Mastodon objects for every instance
for instance in config["instances"]:
instances[instance] = Mastodon(access_token = config["instances"][instance], api_base_url = "https://" + instance)
# Create threads for every hashtag of a relation
for spread in config["spreads"]:
if spread["source"] in instances and spread["drain"] in instances:
for hashtag in spread["hashtags"]:
threads.append(HashtagSpreader(instances[spread["source"]], instances[spread["drain"]], hashtag))
# Start all threads
for thread in threads: