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Nerd web interface
Nerd is a web interface for managing extensions.
Source code: https://github.com/dect-e/nerd/
Sync extensions to FieldPOC
Nerd has an HTTP endpoint generation a FieldPOC compatible extensions file.
You can adopt the follwing NixOS configuration snipped. It downloads the JSON file, copies it to the location FieldPOC expects the extensions and reload FieldPOC.
systemd.services.fieldpoc-nerd = {
wantedBy = ["multi-user.target"];
startAt = "*-*-* *:*:00";
script = let
reloadScript = pkgs.writeText "reload" ''
spawn ${pkgs.inetutils}/bin/telnet localhost 9437
expect "> "
send "reload\n"
expect "> "
send "exit\n"
expect "disconnecting"
in ''
${pkgs.curl}/bin/curl https://nerd.example.com/export.json\?event=1 > /etc/fieldpoc/extensions.json
${pkgs.expect}/bin/expect ${reloadScript}