/*! * @file openpgp.c * * vim: expandtab:ts=2:sts=2:sw=2 * * @authors * Copyright (C) 2020 Anoxinon e.V. * * @copyright * This file is part of xmppc. * * xmppc is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * xmppc is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with Foobar. If not, see . * * German * * Diese Datei ist Teil von xmppc. * * xmppc ist Freie Software: Sie können es unter den Bedingungen * der GNU General Public License, wie von der Free Software Foundation, * Version 3 der Lizenz oder (nach Ihrer Wahl) jeder neueren * veröffentlichten Version, weiter verteilen und/oder modifizieren. * * xmppc wird in der Hoffnung, dass es nützlich sein wird, aber * OHNE JEDE GEWÄHRLEISTUNG, bereitgestellt; sogar ohne die implizite * Gewährleistung der MARKTFÄHIGKEIT oder EIGNUNG FÜR EINEN BESTIMMTEN ZWECK. * Siehe die GNU General Public License für weitere Details. * * Sie sollten eine Kopie der GNU General Public License zusammen mit diesem * Programm erhalten haben. Wenn nicht, siehe . */ #define _GNU_SOURCE #include "openpgp.h" #include "string.h" #include #include #include #include static void _openpgp_send_text(xmppc_t *xmppc, char* to, char* text); static xmpp_stanza_t* _openpgp_signcrypt(xmppc_t *xmppc, char* to, char* text); static char* _openpgp_gpg_signcrypt(xmppc_t *xmppc, char* recipient, char* message); static gpgme_error_t _openpgp_lookup_key(xmppc_t *xmppc, char* name, gpgme_ctx_t* ctx, gpgme_key_t* key); void openpgp_execute_command(xmppc_t *xmppc, int argc, char *argv[]) { if(argc > 0) { if(strcmp("signcrypt", argv[0]) == 0) { _openpgp_send_text(xmppc, argv[1], argv[2]); } else { logError(xmppc, "Unbekanner Befehl: %s\n", argv[0]); } } xmpp_disconnect(xmppc->conn); } void _openpgp_send_text(xmppc_t *xmppc, char* to, char* text) { xmpp_conn_t *conn = xmppc->conn; xmpp_stanza_t *message; char* id = xmpp_uuid_gen(xmppc->ctx); message = xmpp_message_new(xmpp_conn_get_context(conn), NULL, to, id); xmpp_message_set_body(message, "This message is *encrypted* with OpenPGP (See :XEP:`0373`)"); xmpp_stanza_t *openpgp = xmpp_stanza_new(xmppc->ctx); xmpp_stanza_set_name(openpgp, "openpgp"); xmpp_stanza_set_ns(openpgp, "urn:xmpp:openpgp:0"); xmpp_stanza_t * signcrypt = _openpgp_signcrypt(xmppc, to, text); char* c; size_t s; xmpp_stanza_to_text(signcrypt, &c,&s); char* signcrypt_e = _openpgp_gpg_signcrypt(xmppc,to, c); if( signcrypt_e == NULL ) { logError(xmppc, "Message not signcrypted.\n"); return; } // BASE64_OPENPGP_MESSAGE xmpp_stanza_t* base64_openpgp_message = xmpp_stanza_new(xmppc->ctx); xmpp_stanza_set_text(base64_openpgp_message,signcrypt_e); xmpp_stanza_add_child(openpgp, base64_openpgp_message); xmpp_stanza_add_child(message, openpgp); xmpp_stanza_to_text(message, &c,&s); xmpp_send(conn, message); } xmpp_stanza_t* _openpgp_signcrypt(xmppc_t *xmppc, char* to, char* text) { time_t now = time(NULL); struct tm* tm = localtime(&now); char buf[255]; strftime(buf, sizeof(buf), "%FT%T%z", tm); int randnr = rand() % 5; char rpad_data[randnr]; for(int i = 0; i < randnr-1; i++) { rpad_data[i] = 'c'; } rpad_data[randnr-1] = '\0'; // signcrypt xmpp_stanza_t *signcrypt = xmpp_stanza_new(xmppc->ctx); xmpp_stanza_set_name(signcrypt, "signcrypt"); xmpp_stanza_set_ns(signcrypt, "urn:xmpp:openpgp:0"); // to xmpp_stanza_t *s_to = xmpp_stanza_new(xmppc->ctx); xmpp_stanza_set_name(s_to, "to"); xmpp_stanza_set_attribute(s_to, "jid", to); // time xmpp_stanza_t *time = xmpp_stanza_new(xmppc->ctx); xmpp_stanza_set_name(time, "time"); xmpp_stanza_set_attribute(time, "stamp", buf); xmpp_stanza_set_name(time, "time"); // rpad xmpp_stanza_t *rpad = xmpp_stanza_new(xmppc->ctx); xmpp_stanza_set_name(rpad, "rpad"); xmpp_stanza_t *rpad_text = xmpp_stanza_new(xmppc->ctx); xmpp_stanza_set_text(rpad_text, rpad_data); // payload xmpp_stanza_t *payload= xmpp_stanza_new(xmppc->ctx); xmpp_stanza_set_name(payload, "payload"); // body xmpp_stanza_t *body = xmpp_stanza_new(xmppc->ctx); xmpp_stanza_set_name(body, "body"); xmpp_stanza_set_ns(body, "jabber:client"); // text xmpp_stanza_t *body_text = xmpp_stanza_new(xmppc->ctx); xmpp_stanza_set_text(body_text, text); xmpp_stanza_add_child(signcrypt,s_to); xmpp_stanza_add_child(signcrypt,time); xmpp_stanza_add_child(signcrypt,rpad); xmpp_stanza_add_child(rpad,rpad_text); xmpp_stanza_add_child(signcrypt,payload); xmpp_stanza_add_child(payload, body); xmpp_stanza_add_child(body, body_text); return signcrypt; } char* _openpgp_gpg_signcrypt(xmppc_t *xmppc, char* recipient, char* message) { setlocale (LC_ALL, ""); gpgme_check_version (NULL); gpgme_set_locale (NULL, LC_CTYPE, setlocale (LC_CTYPE, NULL)); gpgme_ctx_t ctx; gpgme_error_t error = gpgme_new (&ctx); if(GPG_ERR_NO_ERROR != error ) { printf("gpgme_new: %d\n", error); return NULL; } error = gpgme_set_protocol(ctx, GPGME_PROTOCOL_OPENPGP); if(error != 0) { logError(xmppc,"GpgME Error: %s\n", gpgme_strerror(error)); } gpgme_set_armor(ctx,0); gpgme_set_textmode(ctx,0); gpgme_set_offline(ctx,1); gpgme_set_keylist_mode(ctx, GPGME_KEYLIST_MODE_LOCAL); if(error != 0) { logError(xmppc,"GpgME Error: %s\n", gpgme_strerror(error)); } gpgme_key_t recp[3]; recp[0] = NULL, recp[1] = NULL; const char *jid = xmpp_conn_get_jid(xmppc->conn); char* xmpp_jid_me = alloca( (strlen(jid)+6) * sizeof(char) ); char* xmpp_jid_recipient = alloca( (strlen(recipient)+6) * sizeof(char) ); strcpy(xmpp_jid_me, "xmpp:"); strcpy(xmpp_jid_recipient, "xmpp:"); strcat(xmpp_jid_me, jid); strcat(xmpp_jid_recipient,recipient); // lookup own key error = _openpgp_lookup_key(xmppc,xmpp_jid_me, &ctx, &recp[0]); if(error != 0) { logError(xmppc,"Key not found for %s. GpgME Error: %s\n", xmpp_jid_me, gpgme_strerror(error)); return NULL; } // lookup key of recipient error = _openpgp_lookup_key(xmppc,xmpp_jid_recipient, &ctx, &recp[1]); if(error != 0) { logError(xmppc,"Key not found for %s. GpgME Error: %s\n", xmpp_jid_recipient, gpgme_strerror(error)); return NULL; } recp[2] = NULL; logInfo(xmppc, "%s <%s>\n", recp[0]->uids->name, recp[0]->uids->email); logInfo(xmppc, "%s <%s>\n", recp[1]->uids->name, recp[1]->uids->email); #ifdef XMPPC_DEVELOPMENT gpgme_encrypt_flags_t flags = GPGME_ENCRYPT_ALWAYS_TRUST; #else gpgme_encrypt_flags_t flags = 0; #endif gpgme_data_t plain; gpgme_data_t cipher; error = gpgme_data_new (&plain); if(error != 0) { logError(xmppc,"GpgME Error: %s\n", gpgme_strerror(error)); return NULL; } error = gpgme_data_new_from_mem(&plain, message, strlen(message),0); if(error != 0) { logError(xmppc,"GpgME Error: %s\n", gpgme_strerror(error)); return NULL; } error = gpgme_data_new (&cipher); if(error != 0) { logError(xmppc,"GpgME Error: %s\n", gpgme_strerror(error)); return NULL; } error = gpgme_op_encrypt_sign ( ctx, recp, flags, plain, cipher); if(error != 0) { logError(xmppc,"GpgME Error: %s\n", gpgme_strerror(error)); return NULL; } size_t len; char *cipher_str = gpgme_data_release_and_get_mem(cipher, &len); char* result = g_base64_encode( (unsigned char*) cipher_str,len); gpgme_key_release (recp[0]); gpgme_key_release (recp[1]); gpgme_release (ctx); return result; } gpgme_error_t _openpgp_lookup_key(xmppc_t *xmppc,char* name, gpgme_ctx_t* ctx, gpgme_key_t* key) { logDebug(xmppc, "Looking for key: %s ...\n", name); gpgme_error_t error = gpgme_op_keylist_start (*ctx, NULL, 0); while (!error) { error = gpgme_op_keylist_next (*ctx, key); if(error == 0 && strcmp((*key)->uids->name, name) == 0) { logDebug(xmppc, "Key found: %s ...\n", (*key)->uids->name); } else { gpgme_key_release((*key)); } } return error; }