XMPPC(1) ======== NAME ---- xmppc - XMPP Command line Tool SYNOPSIS -------- 'xmppc' ['OPTIONS'] -m 'MODE' 'COMMAND' [...] DESCRIPTION ----------- xmppc is a command line tool OPTIONS ------- *-a, --attribute* 'ACCOUNT':: 'ACCOUNT' is an xmpp account... *-j, --jid* 'JID':: JID of the XMPP Account. [ *-p, --pwd* 'PWD':: *-v* 'VERBOSE':: Verbose flags. -v WARN -vv INFO --vvv DEBUG -vvvv TRACE *--help*:: Print program version number and help MODES AND COMMANDS ------------------ xmppc modes. *-m roster*:: Roster:: * *list* - List all contacts * *export* - Exports all contacts *-m message*:: Message * *chat * - Sending unencrypted message to jid *-m pgp*:: PGP Mode (XEP-0027) * *chat * - Sending pgp encrypted message to jid *-m omemo*:: OMEMO Mode (XEP-0384) * *list* - List the device IDs and fingerprints *-m openpgp*:: openpgp mode (XEP-0373) * *signcrypt * - Sending pgp signed and encrypted message to jid *-m monitor*:: Monitot mode * *stanza* - Stanza Monitor * *monitor* - microblog Monitor microblog (XEP-0277) *-m bookmark*:: Bookmark mode (XEP-0048) * *list* - List bookmarks *-m mam*:: Message Archive Management (XEP-0313) * *list * - List messages from *-m discovery*:: Service Discovery (XEP-0030) * *info * - info request for * *item * - item request for ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES --------------------- *none EXAMPLES -------- xmppc --jid user@domain.tld --pwd "secret" --mode roster list xmppc --jid user@domain.tld --pwd "secret" --mode pgp chat friend@domain.tld "Hello" xmppc -a account1 --mode discovery item conference@domain.tld xmppc --mode bookmark list FILES ----- Configuration file to setup accounts. *~/.config/xmppc.conf*:: Example: [default] jid=account1@domain.tld pwd=password1 [account2] jid=account2@domain.tld pwd=password2 [account3] jid=account3@domain.tld pwd=password3 EXIT STATUS ----------- *0*:: Success *1*:: Failure BUGS ---- See AUTHOR ------ See RESOURCES --------- Codeberg: COPYING ------- Copyright \(C) 2020 Anoxinon e.V. Free use of this software is granted under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL).