# Uptime Status Simple status page for server uptime. ![screenshot](screenshot.png) Displays the up indicator of node-exporter from your prometheus for the last 14 days in 6h steps. ## Deployment Init codebase ``` git clone https://github.com/clerie/uptime-status.git cd uptime-status/ virtualenv -p python3 ENV cd .. ``` Create `config.cfg` with the following contents and edit values for your needs: ``` PROMETHEUS_API_BASE="http://[::1]:9090" ``` Starten und updaten lässt sich die Flask-App folgendermaßen: ``` cd uptime-status/ git pull source ENV/bin/activate pip install -r requirements.txt UPTIMESTATUS_SETTINGS=/path/to/config.cfg gunicorn uptimestatus:app deactivate ```