/* Because I'm way too lazy I'm automatically generating the secret files config. Secrets can be found below hosts/${hostname}/secrets/*.age Pubkeys can be found for the specific host below hosts/${hostname}/ssh.pub The users have their keys below users/${username}/ssh.pub Secrets get encrypted for the host they are in and the users specified. Every host with a secrets directory has an entry for a secret called "new". This exist to overcome the chicken and egg problem. Create a secret with them name new in the specific secrets directory and rename it afterwards with the suffix .age. */ let pubkeysFor = directory: let instances = builtins.attrNames (builtins.readDir directory); instancesWithPubkey = builtins.filter (i: builtins.pathExists (directory + "/${i}/ssh.pub")) instances; in builtins.listToAttrs (map (i: { name = i; value = builtins.readFile (directory + "/${i}/ssh.pub"); }) instancesWithPubkey); users = pubkeysFor ./users; hosts = pubkeysFor ./hosts; secretsForHost = hostname: let secretsFiles = builtins.attrNames (builtins.readDir (./hosts + "/${hostname}/secrets")); listOfSecrets = builtins.filter (i: (builtins.stringLength i) > 4 && builtins.substring ((builtins.stringLength i) - 4) (builtins.stringLength i) i == ".age") secretsFiles; in if builtins.pathExists (./hosts + "/${hostname}/secrets") && builtins.pathExists (./hosts + "/${hostname}/ssh.pub") then map (secret: { name = "hosts/${hostname}/secrets/${secret}"; value = { publicKeys = [ users.clerie hosts."${hostname}" ]; }; }) (listOfSecrets ++ [ "new" ]) else []; in builtins.listToAttrs (builtins.concatMap (hostname: secretsForHost hostname) (builtins.attrNames (builtins.readDir ./hosts)))