secrets.nix: Document the magic

This commit is contained in:
clerie 2023-12-07 20:17:31 +01:00
parent 41a52d55a3
commit a00c276c5c

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@ -16,6 +16,15 @@
Returns an attrset for a given directory,
having the name of a subdirectory as its attribute names
and the contents of the containing ssh.pub file as their value
clerie = "ssh-ed25519 AAAA...";
pubkeysFor = directory: let
instances = builtins.attrNames (builtins.readDir directory);
instancesWithPubkey = builtins.filter (i: builtins.pathExists (directory + "/${i}/ssh.pub")) instances;
@ -25,13 +34,63 @@ let
users = pubkeysFor ./users;
hosts = pubkeysFor ./hosts;
Returns secret configuration for a given hostname
secretsForHost = hostname: let
Returns a list of all file names in the secrets directory of the specified host
secretsFiles = builtins.attrNames (builtins.readDir (./hosts + "/${hostname}/secrets"));
listOfSecrets = builtins.filter (i: (builtins.stringLength i) > 4 && builtins.substring ((builtins.stringLength i) - 4) (builtins.stringLength i) i == ".age") secretsFiles;
Returns all file names that end with .age
listOfSecrets = builtins.filter (i:
# Make sure the file name is longer than the file extension
(builtins.stringLength i) > 4
# Take the last four letters of the file name and check if it is .age
&& builtins.substring ((builtins.stringLength i) - 4) (builtins.stringLength i) i == ".age"
) secretsFiles;
if builtins.pathExists (./hosts + "/${hostname}/secrets") && builtins.pathExists (./hosts + "/${hostname}/ssh.pub") then
map (secret: { name = "hosts/${hostname}/secrets/${secret}"; value = { publicKeys = [ users.clerie hosts."${hostname}" ]; }; }) (listOfSecrets ++ [ "new" ])
# Make sure the host has a secrets directory
builtins.pathExists (./hosts + "/${hostname}/secrets")
# Make sure the host has a public ssh key provided
&& builtins.pathExists (./hosts + "/${hostname}/ssh.pub")
This map specifies all public keys for which a given secret file should be encrypted
It returns a list of name value pairs
The name is the path to the secret file
The value is an attribute set containing a list of public keys as a string
(secret: {
name = "hosts/${hostname}/secrets/${secret}";
value = {
publicKeys = [
# Hardcode clerie's public key here
# No other user should have access to any secrets
# A host should only have access to their own secrets
# All file names of already existing secrets plus the magic "new" secret
(listOfSecrets ++ [ "new" ])
# Answer with an empty list, if no secrets are provided for a host
builtins.listToAttrs (builtins.concatMap (hostname: secretsForHost hostname) (builtins.attrNames (builtins.readDir ./hosts)))
# We just have a list of name value pairs that need to get transformed into an attribute set
builtins.listToAttrs (
# Provide a list of secrets for a given hostname
(hostname: secretsForHost hostname)
# Names of all hosts
(builtins.attrNames (builtins.readDir ./hosts))