Fork 0

porter: Remove node from overlay network

This commit is contained in:
clerie 2022-09-28 19:31:22 +02:00
parent 5a46d7662e
commit 9c4672182a
1 changed files with 1 additions and 135 deletions

View File

@ -15,15 +15,6 @@
networking.hostName = "porter";
networking.useDHCP = false;
# Local Router IPs
networking.interfaces.lo.ipv6.addresses = [
{ address = "fd00:152:152:102::1"; prefixLength = 64; }
{ address = "fd00:152:152::1"; prefixLength = 128; } # Anycast
networking.interfaces.lo.ipv4.addresses = [
{ address = ""; prefixLength = 24; }
{ address = ""; prefixLength = 32; } # Anycast
# Network
networking.interfaces.ens3.ipv4.addresses = [ { address = ""; prefixLength = 22; } ];
networking.interfaces.ens3.ipv6.addresses = [ { address = "2a03:4000:6:48d::1"; prefixLength = 64; } ];
@ -31,42 +22,6 @@
networking.defaultGateway6 = { address = "fe80::1"; interface = "ens3"; };
networking.nameservers = [ "" "" ];
networking.wireguard.enable = true;
networking.wireguard.interfaces = {
wg-carbon4 = {
ips = [ "fe80::138:1/64" "" ];
peers = [ {
allowedIPs = [ "" "::/0" ];
publicKey = "ezemzjfG6OZ3rHcCvuh+N1VfaIgbijvFbvvRmhasu2E=";
} ];
listenPort = 50138;
allowedIPsAsRoutes = false;
privateKeyFile = "/var/src/secrets/wireguard/wg-carbon4";
wg-gatekeeper6 = {
ips = [ "fe80::101:2/64" "" ];
peers = [ {
allowedIPs = [ "" "::/0" ];
endpoint = "[2a01:4f8:c0c:15f1::1]:50101";
publicKey = "ZmyAqrBOmF2LxANPnICtBk3x3qpJp3i+iQrNliqdi1g=";
} ];
listenPort = 50101;
allowedIPsAsRoutes = false;
privateKeyFile = "/var/src/secrets/wireguard/wg-gatekeeper6";
wg-nonat6 = {
ips = [ "fe80::1337:1/64" "" ];
peers = [ {
allowedIPs = [ "" "::/0" ];
endpoint = "[2001:638:904:ffca::6]:51337";
publicKey = "Z5HltUKBSOzePqZCJjSsJPZ3UxGjFR4a5Vxmm+ePNRk=";
} ];
listenPort = 51337;
allowedIPsAsRoutes = false;
privateKeyFile = "/var/src/secrets/wireguard/wg-nonat6";
clerie.nginx-port-forward = {
enable = true;
tcpPorts."2022" = {
@ -78,101 +33,12 @@
clerie.chisel.enable = true;
networking.firewall.allowedTCPPorts = [ 443 ];
networking.firewall.allowedUDPPorts = [ 50101 50138 51337 ];
services.bird2.enable = true;
services.bird2.config = ''
router id ${ (lib.head config.networking.interfaces.lo.ipv4.addresses).address };
ipv6 table ospf6;
ipv4 table ospf4;
protocol direct {
interface "lo";
ipv6 {
table ospf6;
ipv4 {
table ospf4;
protocol kernel kernel_ospf6 {
ipv6 {
table ospf6;
export filter {
krt_prefsrc=${ (lib.head config.networking.interfaces.lo.ipv6.addresses).address };
import none;
protocol kernel kernel_ospf4 {
ipv4 {
table ospf4;
export filter {
krt_prefsrc=${ (lib.head config.networking.interfaces.lo.ipv4.addresses).address };
import none;
protocol ospf v3 ospf_6 {
ipv6 {
table ospf6;
import all;
export all;
area 0 {
interface "wg-carbon4" {
cost 80;
type pointopoint;
interface "wg-gatekeeper6" {
cost 80;
type pointopoint;
interface "wg-nonat6" {
cost 80;
type pointopoint;
protocol ospf v3 ospf_4 {
ipv4 {
table ospf4;
import all;
export all;
area 0 {
interface "wg-carbon4" {
cost 80;
type pointopoint;
interface "wg-gatekeeper6" {
cost 80;
type pointopoint;
interface "wg-nonat6" {
cost 80;
type pointopoint;
protocol device {
scan time 10;
networking.firewall.allowedUDPPorts = [];
clerie.monitoring = {
enable = true;
id = "102";
pubkey = "+mJN+ustPo2ehP0wqajYs3nTdJ0SPuIDyiZQSHFIK3o=";
bird = true;
system.stateVersion = "21.03";