55 lines
2.1 KiB
55 lines
2.1 KiB
from pyLoraRFM9x import LoRa, ModemConfig
import MultiNode
#class MessageType(IntEnum):
# DeviceStatus = 1;
#def decode_packet(data):
# packet_type = data[0]
# #match packet_type:
# # case MessageType.DeviceStatus:
# if packet_type == MessageType.DeviceStatus:
# return struct.unpack('f', data[1:5])[0]
# This is our callback function that runs when a message is received
def on_recv(payload):
#print("From:", payload.header_from)
#print("Received:", payload.message)
#print("RSSI: {}; SNR: {}".format(payload.rssi, payload.snr))
#rx_id = int.from_bytes(payload.message[0:2], byteorder="little")
#tx_id = int.from_bytes(payload.message[2:4], byteorder="little")
#msg_id = int.from_bytes(payload.message[4:8], byteorder="little")
#length = payload.message[8]
#data = payload.message[9 : 9 + length]
#data_hash = payload.message[9 + length : 9 + length + HASH_LENGTH]
#if len(payload.message) != length + 9 + HASH_LENGTH:
# print(f"Invalid length! Expected {length + 9 + HASH_LENGTH} actual {len(payload.message)}")
# return
#hash_function = blake2s(key=0x0.to_bytes(8, "little"), digest_size=8)
#hash_function.update(payload.message[: -HASH_LENGTH])
#if hash_function.digest() != data_hash:
# print(f"Hash doesn't match! Expected {hash_function.digest()} got {data_hash}")
# return
#print(f"Received {struct.unpack('f', data[1:])[0]:.3f} V from {tx_id} with destination {rx_id} and {payload.rssi} dB(?) RSSI and {payload.snr} dB(?) SNR")
#print(f"{tx_id} #{msg_id}: {decode_packet(data):.3f} V, {payload.rssi} dB(?) RSSI, {payload.snr} dB(?) SNR {(time.clock_gettime_ns(0) - start_time) / 1e9}")
# Use chip select 1. GPIO pin 5 will be used for interrupts and set reset pin to 25
# The address of this device will be set to 2
lora = LoRa(0, 25, 255, reset_pin = 22, modem_config=ModemConfig.Bw125Cr45Sf128, tx_power=14, freq=868, acks=False)#, receive_all=True)
lora.cad_timeout = 1
lora.on_recv = on_recv
import time
while True:
time.sleep(0.5) |