""" Username to UUID Converts a Minecraft username to it's UUID equivalent. Uses the official Mojang API to fetch player data. """ import http.client import json class UsernameToUUID: def __init__(self, username): self.username = username def get_uuid(self, timestamp=None): """ Get the UUID of the player. Parameters ---------- timestamp : long integer The time at which the player used this name, expressed as a Unix timestamp. """ get_args = "" if timestamp is None else "?at=" + str(timestamp) http_conn = http.client.HTTPSConnection("api.mojang.com"); http_conn.request("GET", "/users/profiles/minecraft/" + self.username + get_args, headers={'User-Agent':'Minecraft Username -> UUID', 'Content-Type':'application/json'}); response = http_conn.getresponse().read().decode("utf-8") if (not response and timestamp is None): # No response & no timestamp return self.get_uuid(0) # Let's retry with the Unix timestamp 0. if (not response): # No response (player probably doesn't exist) return "" json_data = json.loads(response) uuid = json_data['id'] return uuid