from bundlewrap.exceptions import BundleError from bundlewrap.items import Item def backend_segments_to_dict(segments): attributes = {} name = segments[0].strip() attributes["backend"] = segments[1].strip().rstrip(",") attributes["port"] = None if ":" in attributes["backend"]: backend_segments = attributes["backend"].split(":") attributes["backend"] = backend_segments[0] attributes["port"] = int(backend_segments[1]) attributes["remove_prefix"] = None flag = segments[2] if flag == "--remove-prefix": attributes["remove_prefix"] = True return attributes def get_backend_config(node, name): result ="uberspace web backend list", may_fail=True) backend_lines = result.stdout_text.splitlines() for line in backend_lines: segments = line.split("=>", 1)[0].strip().split(" ") if segments[0] == name: d = backend_segments_to_dict(segments) return d def make_display_string(name, attributes): backend_name = attributes.get("backend") if attributes.get("backend") == "http": backend_name += f":{attributes.get('port')}" args = [ backend_name ] if attributes["remove_prefix"]: args.append("--remove-prefix") arg_string = ", ".join(args) return f"{name} {arg_string}" def make_option_string(name, attributes): out = [] out.append(name) out.append(f" --{attributes.get('backend')}") if attributes.get("backend") == "http": out.append("--port") out.append(str(attributes.get('port'))) if attributes["remove_prefix"]: out.append("--remove-prefix") return " ".join(out) class UberspaceWebBackend(Item): """ Manage uberspace web backends """ BUNDLE_ATTRIBUTE_NAME = "uberspace_web_backend" ITEM_ATTRIBUTES = { "backend": "apache", "port": None, "remove_prefix": None, } ITEM_TYPE_NAME = "uberspace_web_backend" def __repr__(self): return f"" def cdict(self): cdict = {} for option, value in self.attributes.items(): if value is not None: cdict[option] = value return cdict def fix(self, status):"uberspace web backend set {make_option_string(, self.attributes)}", may_fail=True) def sdict(self): return get_backend_config(self.node, @classmethod def validate_attributes(cls, bundle, item_id, attributes): if attributes.get("backend") == "apache": if attributes.get("port") is not None: raise BundleError(_( "do not set 'port' while using 'apache' for 'backend' on {item} in bundle '{bundle}'" ).format( item=item_id,, )) if attributes.get("remove_prefix") is not None: raise BundleError(_( "do not set 'port' while using 'apache' for 'backend' on {item} in bundle '{bundle}'" ).format( item=item_id,, )) elif attributes.get("backend") == "http": if not isinstance(attributes.get("port"), int): raise BundleError(_( "'port' required and needs to be numeric while using 'http' for 'backend' on {item} in bundle '{bundle}'" ).format( item=item_id,, )) if attributes.get("remove_prefix") not in [True, False, None]: raise BundleError(_( "expected boolean for 'remove_prefix' on {item} in bundle '{bundle}'" ).format( item=item_id,, )) else: raise BundleError(_( "expected 'apache' or 'http' for 'backend' on {item} in bundle '{bundle}'" ).format( item=item_id,, ))